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Quick Start

Create a new post

$ hexo new "My New Post"

More info: Writing

Run server

$ hexo server

More info: Server

Generate static files

$ hexo generate

More info: Generating

Deploy to remote sites

$ hexo deploy

More info: Deployment

Refer a local page

  • See this post
  • See this section in this page
  • See this part on another page

Insert image


This is Tab 1.
Text xxx

This is Tab 2.

This is Tab 3.


No folding


With folding

Anchor: a kind of data structure in AR field, which represents a precise point of interest in 3D space that can be shared across users, devices, and time

Microsoft Azure Spatial Anchors is a service that can store the local world anchors to the cloud and share the anchors among different platforms, see the table blow. ASA (Azure Spatial Anchors) enables building apps that can map, persist, and share 3D content from room-scale to real world-scale.

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Noise exists in the world, ans also exists in the robot motion and observations, so robots never know exactaly of the environment and themselves. However, probality theory could represent the uncertainty and give a better guess or estimation of the world. Therefore, the state estimation is very important in Robotics.

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ARKit is a software framework for iOS to create AR applications. It support features of device tracking, plane detection, and could allow apps to place virtual objects on top of real-world environment.

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