C# Delegate and Event


Delegate and event are good ways to “subscribe” some actions to other particular actions carried out by the user or the code. It sounds like function 1 is executed firstly, then function 2, 3, and etc are executed following. Those functions may not in the same class.

For example, they are in class A, class B, class C. If we use the traditional ways to achieve this relationship, we need to call function 2 and 3 in the class A when the function 1 is executed. In this way we will increase the degree of coupling between these classes, that is class A cannot work normally without class B and C.

Therefore, we proposed the ideas of delegate and event. Class B and C could “subscribe” the action publisher in class A with their function 2 and 3. When the action 1 is executed, the class A will call the action publisher, then the class B and C will receive the information that action 1 is executed, so they will execute the action 2 and 3.

Comparison between delegate and event

  • Commons
    • They are like the pointer of methods.
    • A method can be used += and -= to be assigned or unassigned to a delegate, and subscribe or unsubscribe the event
    • They both accept anonymous methods (delegate declared, or lambda expression)
    • Event is a specific kind of delegate which will be safer
  • Differences
delegate event
Functions can use += to subscribe it, and -= to unsubscribe it, and = to fully occupy the delegate Only support += and -=
Is a type, still need to instantiate a member Is a variable instance
Can be defined outside the class Can only be defined inside the class
Can be executed outside the class Only can be executed in the class where it defines
delegate is the member of the class (static member) event belongs to the instance of a class
Can be invoked outside the class Cannot be invoked outside the class

Generic delegate

event EventHandler<bool> OnEvent1;

delegate void MyHandler<T>(int a, T t);
event MyHandler<bool> OnEvent2; // Generic variable must be set to a fixed type

Func<float, bool> myFuc;

Delegate declaring anonymous methods

Delegate can be used to declare an anonymous method.

event MyHandler<EventArgs> OnTrigger;

OnTrigger += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)

See more about anonymous method from here


The delegate and event can both be used two methods to executed.

  • Use myDelegateInstance(paras) or myEvent(paras)
  • Use myDelegateInstance.Invoke(paras) or myEvent.Invoke(paras)

They are the same in compiler but the second method could add ? to handle the null conditions.

myDelegateInstance?.Invoke(paras) or myEvent?.Invoke(paras)