Exercise A

Summary for some exercise.

Some Functions

  • list(map(str, list_)) $\Rightarrow$ convert each element in list_ to a str element


Name Knowledge
Copy List with Random Pointer LinkedList
LRU Cache LinkedList, key_to_prev (list)
2 Sum, 3 Sum HashSet
Insert, Delete, GetRandom(1) HashSet
Favorite Genres Construct a Dictionary
Max Two Sum less than K Left, right pointers
Most Common Word String process
Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Tree Traverse
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal BFS Tree Traverse
Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Complex Recursion
All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree Complex Recursion
Subtree of Another Tree Recursion
Meeting Rooms II Heap
Find Median from Data Stream Heap
Flatten Nested List Iterator Iterator
Sliding Window Maximum Sliding window, double-queue
Partition Labels First Second Pointers
Name Knowledge
Search a 2D Matrix II Search
Merge 2 Sorted Lists, Merge K Sorted Lists Recursion
Compare Version Numbers Recursion
Top K Frequent Words Sort
Alien Dictionary Topological sort
Course Schedule Topological sort
Word Ladder BFS, Generate next myself
Snakes and Ladders BFS
The Maze II BFS, No closed list
Number of Islands DFS, Graph traverse
Word Search DFS, Backtracking
Word Search II DFS, Trie tree, Generate next myself
Critical Connections DFS, Tarjan
Longest Palindromic Substring 2-D DP
Maximum Subarray 1-D Contained DP
Word Break 1-D DP
Trapping Rain Water Accumulated list

460 TBD

More exercise

Name Knowledge
Design Tic-Tac-Toe 2d vector or int**
Read N Characters Given read4 II - Call Multiple Times Create cache to hold extra char, and load from cache firstly next time
Max Stack std::map (value to nodes), doubled linked list
Maximum Frequency Stack unordered_map: frequency to stack of values, value to current frequency
LRU Cache std::unordered_map (value to node), doubled linked list
Design Hit Counter queue
Valid Parenthesis String Analysis. Count left char and star char, or DFS
Design Search Autocomplete System Trie Tree
Peeking Iterator cache
Basic Calculator III Infix expression, Stack, Queue, Deque
Two Sum std::unordered_map, value to idx
Rectangle Area use max to find bottom-left corner, use min to find top-right corner
Rectangle Overlap save as above
Max Points on a Line iterate to fit 2 points, store the line info
Add Two Numbers traversal linked list
Maximal Square 2d DP. Edge length of maximum square which has the (i, j) to be bottom-right corner
Excel Sheet Column Title minus 1 then %26 or /26
Unique Binary Search Trees 1d DP. How many left and right node
Island Perimeter DFS
Car Pooling map
Serialize and Deserialize N-ary Tree Pre-order DFS
String Compression left right pointers
Roman to Integer unordered_map: string to integer
Remove Comments iteration on string, logics
Smallest Rotation with Highest Score Analysis
Work Break II DFS with memo
Merge Intervals Sort
Num of Squareful Arrays Permutations
Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k accumulated array
Binary Trees With Factors 1-d DP