Exercise F

Summary for some exercise.


  • collections.defaultdict()
    • collections.defaultdict(int)
    • collections.defaultdict(set)
    • collections.defaultdict(list)
  • queue.PriorityQueue()
  • queue.put(), queue.get()
  • str.lower(), item.upper()

Linked-List, queue (deque, priority queue), stack, heap

Question Answers
Copy List with Random Pointer std::unordered_map, old node to new node
Insert into a Sorted Circular Linked List Analysis, find p1 and p2 to insert between
Simplify Path string processing, deque
Moving Average from Data Stream deque or vector, maintain the sum
Nested List Weight Sum std::queuestd::pair depthToInteger
Merge k Sorted Lists std::priority_queue<ListNode*, vector<ListNode*>, decltype(comp)> queue(comp)
Exclusive Time of Functions Stack to store running thread id
Subarray Sum Equals K std::unordered_map, sum to count
Top K Frequent Elements std::unordered_map frequency to nums
Random Pick Index std::unordered_map, num to indices
LRU Cache std::unordered_map, key to node, doubled-linked list
Clone Graph std::unordered_map, old node to new node
Strobogrammatic Number std::unordered_map
Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors std::unordered_map


Question Answers
Valid Word Abbreviation string processing, 2 pointers
Group Shifted Strings ASCII converting
Basic Calculator II std::stoi, deque
Add Strings char to int
Palindrome Permutation count char frequency, check whether even number
Valid Palindrome 2 pointers
Valid Palindrome II 2 pointers, 1 recursion
Valid Palindrome III 2-d DP, or k recursion
Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses Analysis. Count left and right parentheses. Remove the extra right position and remained left position
Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid Count left and right parentheses
Remove Invalid Parentheses Count left and right parentheses, then DFS


Question Answers
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Current or left or right
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree II Count whether 2 nodes have been found
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III unordered_set, traverse to the parent
Find Distance in a Binary Tree LCA, Return distance between node to p OR q
Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal tree traversal, std::queuestd::pair levelToNode, std::unordered_map with tracking most left and most right column
Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree same as above, but when inserting the node, compare the value
Binary Tree Right Side View BFS of tree
Binary Search Tree Iterator In-order iteration traversal of tree
Sum Root to Leaf Numbers tree recursion
Diameter of Binary Tree tree recursion, check left and right at each node, return the max of left or right
Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List Recursion, return head and tail
Range Sum of BST Tree recursion
Closest Binary Search Tree Value tree recursion, or iteration
Construct Binary Tree from String Recursion

Binary search, sort, union find, traversal, 2 pointers

Question Answers
Find Peak Element binary search
Missing Element in Sorted Array binary search
Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix binary search + matrix traversal
Random Pick with Weight generate number for given distribution, binary search
Merge Intervals sort, check intersection
Accounts Merge union find
Custom Sort String build dictionary, then custom lambda sorting
Maximum Swap Break num into digits, then sort
Missing Ranges 1-d traversal
Buildings With an Ocean View 1-d traversal from right, keep tracking largest number, std::reverse(arr.begin(), arr.end())
Diagonal Traverse 2-d traversal
Diagonal Traverse II 2-d traversal
Toeplitz Matrix 2-d traversal
Leftmost Column with at Least a One 2-d traversal from top right
Minesweeper 2-d traversal, recursion
Shortest Path in Binary Matrix 2-d DP + BFS
Merge Sorted Array 3 pointers
Product of Two Run-Length Encoded Array 2 pointers

Recursion, BFS, DFS, DP

Question Answers
Cutting Ribbons analysis, binary search, if cut is possible
Continuous Subarray Sum unordered_map, calculate the accumulated mod at each position, store idx into map. Check whether previous has same mod
Valid Number Analysis
Pow(x, n) Recursion, binary divide
Kth Largest Element in an Array Top k-th problem. Quick sort, or count sort
K Closest Points to Origin Top k problem, custom std::priority_queue
Friends Of Appropriate Ages std::unordered_map, num to frequency. Then could 2 for loops or use binary search
Max Consecutive Ones III 2 pointers
Meeting Rooms II scan start and end time, sort by time
Next Permutation find the position smaller than right, then find the smallest number in the right that larger than current number
Robot Room Cleaner DFS
Check if an Original String Exists Given Two Encoded Strings DFS ??
Number of Visible People in a Queue stack to store candidate idx could be observed
Add Bold Tag in String trie tree ??
Stickers to Spell Word DFS + memo, recursion search for remained string
Subsets combination


Array and string

  • No.3 - Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
  • No.15 - 3Sum
    • Sort
    • One iterate, Two pointers
  • No.76 - Minimum Window Substring
    • 2 Pointers
    • collection.Counter()
  • No.340 - Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters
    • Pointers, dict
  • No.560 - Subarray Sum Equals K
  • No.88 - Merge Sorted Array
    • 3 Pointers
  • No.31 - Next Permutation
    • pointers
  • No.986 - Interval List Intersections
  • No.125 - Valid Palindrome
    • 2 pointers
  • No.67 - Add Binary


  • No.1 - Two Sum

Queue, Stack

Heap / PriorityQueue

  • No.973 - K Closest Points to Origin
  • No.23 - Merge k Sorted Lists
  • No.253 - Meeting Rooms II


  • No.297 - Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
    • Use , to device elements
    • Use # to represent None
    • Use queue to store parents
  • No.124 - Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
    • Use recursive function to return 2 values
  • No.98 - Validate Binary Search Tree
    • Traverse, dfs
  • No.199 - Binary Tree Right Side View
    • Traverse, bfs


  • No.215 - Kth Largest Element in an Array


  • No.56 - Merge Intervals
  • No.269 - Alien Dictionary
    • Topological Sort


  • No.560 - Subarray Sum Equals K
    • accu_num


No.301 - Remove Invalid Parentheses


  • No.10 - Tegular Expression Matching