Classic Questions Summary
There are several classic questions that include data structure and algorithm.
Data Structure choices for questions
- Use heap(s) when needs to find min/max/median value, top K
- Use set, map for O(1) time requirement
- Use {key: prev_node} to store linked list node
- Consider 2 pointers for subarray, substring
- DP related
- Consider DP for subsequence
- Use 1-d DP for a list, set the dp[i] including to the i-th element
- Use 2-d DP for 2 lists, array
- Tree
- Consider recursion
- If the results need to be checked at each node, or in leaf nodes, use an extra class field along with the return value
- Consider binary search for log(n) case
- BFS: shortest questions, whether existed questions, all solutions with a non-recursion method
- DFS: all solutions, can use memo to decrease time
- DP: max/min, whether valid, sum number of all solutions
Buy and Sell Stock
Transactions(buy and sell) at most k times in N days, and get the max profit.
Tag: DP
, Divide Conditions
- Simplify to a Greedy question when
2 * k >= N
- Use 2-dimensional dp to solve the problem.
means the max profit gained in 0 to i day under at most k transactions - Find the recursive formula by classifying the conditions. When considering the i day
- i day cannot buy stock(absolutely)
- i day don’t sell stock. So i-1 day don’t buy stock, so
profit[i][j] = profit[i - 1][j]
- i day sell stock. So
m (m<i)
buy the stock, soprofit[i][j] = price[i] - price[m] + profit[m][j - 1]
- Find the simplified methods to reduce time complexity from
O(n^2 * k)
price[i] - price[m] + profit[m][j - 1] = profit[m][j - 1] - price[m] + price[i]
, and price[i] for each i is constant, so just need to considerprofit[m][j - 1] - price[m] (m<i)
. More steps, just consider the maximum of this term.
- Determine the iteration order. Iterate j and then iterate i.
No. 121 - Buy and sell once
- Record the low price, update profit at each day
profit = max(profit, price - low_price)
No. 122 - Buy and sell multi-times
- Greedy - As long as the current price larger than previous price, do the transactions
profit += prices[i] - prices[i - 1]
No. 123 - Buy and sell two times
- Split in the ith day. Divide into two buy and sell once problem
3p1[i] = max(p1[i-1], price - low_price)
p2[j] = max(p2[j+1], max_price - price)
profit = max(profit, p1[p], p2[p])No. 188 - Buy and sell at most k times
27def maxProfit(self, k: int, prices: List[int]) -> int:
def no_limit(k: int, prices: List[int]) -> int:
profit = 0
for i in range(1, len(prices)):
if prices[i] - prices[i - 1] > 0:
profit += prices[i] - prices[i - 1]
return profit
if 2 * k >= n:
return no_limit(k, prices)
# profit[i][j] means the profit gained in first i days at most k transactions
# prices[i] means the ith day (i = 0, 1, 2, ..., n - 1)
# profit[i][j] = max(profit[i - 1][j], if day i doesn't buy and doesn't sell stock; profit[m][j - 1] + price[i] - prices[m], (m < i), if day i sell stock, that some day before i need buy stock)
# profit[i][j] = max(profit[i - 1][j], prices[i] + max(profit[m][j - 1] - prices[m])) (m <= i)
pre_profit = [0 for _ in range(n)]
profit = [0 for _ in range(n)]
for j in range(1, k + 1):
max_diff = 0 - prices[0]
pre_profit = profit.copy()
for i in range(1, n):
profit[i] = max(profit[i - 1],
prices[i] + max_diff)
max_diff = max(max_diff,
pre_profit[i] - prices[i])
return profit[-1]No. 309 - Buy and sell with 1 day Cooldown
- Use dp, similar method to divide the conditions
profit[i] = profit[i - 1]
if day i won’t sell stocksprofit[i] = price[i] - price[m] + profit[m - 2]
if day i sell stocks- Similar methods to simplify the question
Scanning Line
Scanning Line for Geometric Questions
- No. 218 - The Skyline Problem
- Divide Conditions
- Each edge can be categorized into rising edge or falling edge
- If it is a rising edge, add it to answer if it is the most top edge so far. Add it to heap
- If it is a falling edge, add the second high edge to answer if it is the most top edge(remove it from heap, check its height with current most top height in heap, if it larger than the height in heap, put the height in heap to answer)
Topological Order (Important Path)
- No. 207, 210 - Course Schedule I II
- Topological sorting is a powerful way to solve the problem of arranging tasks based on dependency
- Create a graph, and calculate the in degrees for each vertex
Word Search
Search a pattern in a matrix
- No. 79, 212 - Word Search I, II
- Single word search $\Rightarrow$ DFS, Backtracking
- Groups words search $\Rightarrow$ Trie Tree
Word Break
Break a string into several words from word dictionary
- No. 139, 140 - Word Break I, II
- Check availability $\Rightarrow$ Recursion with memo or DP
- Return answers $\Rightarrow$ Recursion with memo
Word Ladder
Shortest path changing from one word to another word
- No. 127, 126 - Word Ladder I, II
- Check steps $\Rightarrow$ BFS, Generate states myself
- Return answers $\Rightarrow$ BFS get the distance, DFS find the answer according to the distance
Word Pattern
- No. 291 - Word Pattern II
- Backtracking
- No. 36, 37 - Sudoku Valid, Solver
- Valid $\Rightarrow$ Check
- Solver $\Rightarrow$ Backtracking
The Maze
- No. 490, 505, 499 - The Maze I, II, III
- Valid $\Rightarrow$ BFS
- Shortest Path Length $\Rightarrow$ BFS, No closed list but have a distance matrix
- Shortest Path Answer $\Rightarrow$ BFS + DFS, Have closed list and a distance matrix
Find bridge in a graph
Tarjan Algorithm
- No. 1192 - Critical Connections in a Network
- There is a edge of (u, v), if low(v) > low(u), that means v cannot go back to u or previous node, so this is a critical edge
- No. 78, 90 - Subsets I, II
1 | nums.sort() |
No. 47 - Permutation II
1 | dfs(set(), [], []) |
Find the Celebrity
Find the largest person j
who don’t know following people, then only the person j
could be the celebrity.
Bike Series TBD
- Sort
- DP
Prefix infix suffix expression
Regular Expression Matching TBD
Find elements in a rotated array
Binary search, while left + 1 < right
, always compared with the right values.
Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
Use BFS traversal for the binary tree.
Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA)
Closest elements
Find 1 closest element in sorted array
Binary search
Find k closest elements in sorted array
Binary search + 2 pointers
Find 1 closest element in BST
Binary search / in-order traversal
Find k closest elements in BST
In-order traversal, binary search, two pointers
Valid Palindrome III
Whether a valid palindrome with removing at most K elements. Get the longest palindrome substring, compare with total length - k
Sort colors
3 Pointers