Tree is a basic data structure. The most popular tree is the binary tree, which has a left child and a right child. The exercise usually gives you the root node of the tree. The basic method to solve a tree problem is recursive.
Traverse the tree
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openlist = [root] whilelen(openlist) > 0: node = openlist.pop() # openlist.pop(0) if you want BFS check(node) openlist.append(node.left) openlist.append(node.right)
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defcheck_tree(node): if node: check_tree(node.left) check_tree(node.right)
The above two ara both DFS(Deep First Search), in order to achieve the BFS(Breadth First Search), in other means, traverse the tree layer by layer, we need to use a dictionary to store the node
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dic_tree = {}
defcheck_tree_breadth(node, depth=1): if node: if depth notin dic_tree: dic_tree[depth] = [node.val] else: dic_tree[depth].append(node.val) check_tree_breadth(node.left, depth+1) check_tree_breadth(node.right, depth+1)