Manipulator Robotics Introduction

Notes of book Introduction ot Robotics Mechanics and Control.


Focus on mechanical manipulator type of robot.

Table of content

  1. Introduction
  2. Describe pose in 3D
    • Position & rotation
    • Attach a coordinate system or frame to an object, then describe its pose w.r.t other reference coordinate systems
  3. Geometry of mechanical manipulators. Static Kinematics
    • Manipulator
      • consist of rigid links, which are connected by joints
      • joint angles (rotation), joint offset (translation)
      • tool frame is attached to end-effector
      • base frame is attached t o nonmoving base of manipulator
    • Kinematics
      • Treats motions without regard to the forces which cause it
      • Study time-based properties of the motion
    • Forward kinematics of manipulator
      • Given a set of joint angles, compute the pose of tool frame w.r.t the base frame
    • Inverse kinematics of manipulator
      • Given the pose of end-effector of the manipulator, calculate all possible sets of joint angles
      • non-linear optimization problem
  4. Kinematics with velocities and static forces
    • Jocobian of manipulator
      • mapping from velocities in joint space to Cartesian space
    • singularity of the mechanism
      • mechanism become locally degenerate and behaves as if it only has 1 DoF
  5. Manipulator dynamics
    • Study forces required to cause motion
  6. Motion of manipulator. Trajectory in space
    • Trajectory generation
      • spline: refer to a smooth function and passes through a set of via points
  7. Mechanical design
    • How to design a manipulator, including its mechanical structure, attached sensors
  8. linear/non-linear control theory
    • actuator perform torque on the joint
    • position and velocity sensors are monitored by control algorithm
    • linear control
      • linear approximations to the dynamics of a manipulator
    • non-linear control
      • consider nonlinear dynamics
  9. Active fore control
    • Force control vs position control
  10. Programming robots
  11. Off-line simulation


  • $A$: vector or matrix
  • $a$: scalars
  • $^A P$: position vector under coordinate system {A}
  • $^A_B R$: rotation matrix {B} relative to {A}. $$^A P = ^A_B R ^B P $$
  • Vectors are taken to be column vectors

Spatial Descriptions and transformations

  • Position under universal coordinate frame {A}. $^A P$
    • $^A P_{BORG}$ is the vector from frame {A} to frame {B} origin, and expressed under frame {A}
  • Rotation matrix (3x3), frame {B} relative to frame {A}
    ^A_B R = [^A \hat{X}_B, ^A \hat{Y}_B, ^A \hat{Z}_B]
    where $^A \hat{X}_B, ^A \hat{Y}_B, ^A \hat{Z}_B$ are the coordinate of unit axes vectors of frame {B} in frame {A}. Row vectors are the axes vectors of frame {A} in frame {B} since $^B_A R = ^A_B R^{-1} = ^A_B R^T$
  • Maps position from frame {B} to frame {A}
    ^A P = {^A_B R} {^B P} + ^A P_{BORG}
    or in homogenous coordinate, write as $^A_B T$
  • Transformation operators. Not transforming the frame, move the point under the same frame instead
    ^A P_2 = T {^A P_1}
    The transform that rotates by $R$ and translate by $Q$ is the same as the transform that describes a frame rotated by $R$ and translated by $Q$ relative to the reference frame.
  • Other rotation forms
    • 3 rotations taken about fixed axes (fixed-angle sets) yield the same final orientation as the same three rotations taken in opposite order about the axes of the moving frame (Euler-angle sets).
    • Equivalent angle-axis representation $R_K(\theta)$. Rotating around unit vector $^A \hat{K}$ by $\theta$
    • Euler parameters. Unit quaternion
  • Different vectors
    • line vector: dependent on its line (or point) of action to cause its effect
    • free vector: only its direction and magnitude matters, can be placed in anywhere in space
  • Reduce computation
    • Compare matrix calculations vs matrix vector calculations
    • Calculate first 2 columns, use cross product to get the third column

Manipulator Kinematics

  • joint axis: revolute or prismatic
    • joint 1 is the first movable joint in the robot
    • joint n is the last movable joint in the robot
  • link: the arm. link $i$ is from axis $i$ to axis $i+1$
    • link 0 is from the non-moving base of the robot to the first movable joint
    • link n is from the last movable joint to the end-effector
  • link length: length of line which is perpendicular to the 2 axes (mutual perpendicular, current axe and next axe)
    • $a_i$ = distance from $\hat{Z}_i$ to $\hat{Z}_{i+1}$ measured along $\hat{X}_i$
    • $a_0 = 0$ because axis joint $0$ could be chosen arbitrary
    • $a_n = 0$ because there is no more other joints behind
  • link twist: angle in the projected plane from axis $i$ to axis $i+1$. The plane’s normal vector is $a_i$, the angle follows the right-hand law
    • $\alpha_i$ = angle from $\hat{Z}_i$ to $\hat{Z}_{i+1}$ measured about $\hat{X}_i$
    • $\alpha_0 = 0$ because axis joint $0$ could be chosen arbitrary
    • $\alpha_n = 0$ becaus there is no more other joints behind
  • link offset: distance between intersection of $a_{i-1}$ on axis $i$ and $a_i$ on $i$. Distance is measured along the axis $i$
    • $d_i$ = distance from $\hat{X}_{i-1}$ to $\hat{X}_i$ measured along $\hat{Z}_i$
    • $d_1$
      • $d_1 = 0$ for revolute joint
      • $d_1$ zero position could be chosen arbitrary for prismatic joint
    • $d_n$ same as above
  • joint angle: angle between from $a_{i-1}$ to $a_i$ around axis $i$. Also follows right-hand law
    • $\theta_i$ = angle from $\hat{X}_{i-1}$ to $\hat{X}_i$ measured about $\hat{Z}_i$
    • $\theta_1$
      • $\theta_1$ zero position could be chosen arbitrary for revolute joint
      • $\theta_1 = 0$ for prismatic joint
    • $\theta_n$ same as above
  • link parameters: 3 fixed parameters
  • joint variable: 1 changeable parameter
    • $\theta_i$ for revolute joint i
    • $d_i$ for prismatic joint i


  • frame {i} attach to link i (axis i)
    • Origin is the intersection point of the common perpendicular line on axis $i$.
    • Z-axis coincident with joint axis i
    • X-axis points along $a_i$ in the direction from joint $i$ to joint $i+1$
      • or orthonormal to the $Z_i, Z_{i+1}$ plane
    • Frame {0} is arbitrary, but usually chose coincides with frame {1}. Frame {0} is the one stationary and serve as reference frame
    • Frame {n}
      • X-axis is chosen it aligns with X-axis of frame {n-1} when $\theta_n = 0$
      • Origin is chosen at axis $n$ when $d_n = 0$
  • Frame naming convention
    • Base frame {B}: frame {0}, link {0}, nonmoving
    • Wrist frame {W}: frame {N}, last link the manipulator. Refer as $^B_W T = ^0_N T$
    • Tool frame {T}: the end of any tool held by robot, or in the middle of fingertips. Refer as $^W_T T$
    • Station frame {S}: task-relevant location, task frame, world frame, universal frame. Refer as $^B_S T$
    • Goal frame {G}: location to which the robot is to move the tool. Tool frame and Goal frame will coincident in the end. Refer as $^S_G T$
  • WHERE function
    • $^S_T T = ^B_S T^{-1} {^B_W T} {^W_T T}$, present where the tool is relative to the station
  • Frame kinematics transformation
    ^{i-1}_i T=\begin{bmatrix}
    \cos\theta_i & -\sin\theta_i & 0 & a_{i-1} \\
    \sin\theta_i \cos\alpha_{i-1} & \cos\theta_i \cos\alpha_{i-1} & -\sin\alpha_{i-1} & -\sin\alpha_{i-1}d_i \\
    \sin\theta_i \sin\alpha_{i-1} & \cos\theta_i \sin\alpha_{i-1} & \cos\alpha_{i-1} & \cos\alpha_{i-1} d_i \\
    0 & 0 & 0 & 1
    ^0_N T = {^0_1 T} {^0_1 T} \cdots {^{N-1}_N T}
  • $^0_N T$ is a function of $n$ joint parameters
  • Difference spaces
    • actuator space: the parameters of actuators
    • joint space: the space of the $n\times 1$ joint vector formed by $n$ joint variables
    • Cartesian space: the relationship between different frames
  • Reduce computation
    • Store sin cos values into lookup table
    • Store intermediate variables

Inverse Manipulator Kinematics

  • What to solve: find the required joint angles to get the required $^S_T T$
    • $^B_S T, ^W_T T$ are known
    • Find required joint angles to get the required $^B_W T = ^0_N T$
  • Workspace: the volume of space that end-effector of manipulator can reach
    • Dextrous workspace: volume of space that end-effector can reach with all orientations
    • Reachable workspace: volume of space that end-effector can reach in at least one orientation
    • But we usually care about the workspace of wrist frame {W} instead of the end-effector tool frame {T} since $^W_T T$ is known
    • Workspace is a subset of the n-DoF subspace, where subspace is the reachable workspace without constraints of parameters
  • Solvable of inverse Kinematics
    • Solution existence = desired position and orientation of wrist frame {W} is in the workspace
    • Multiple solutions = desired position and orientation of wrist frame {W} is in the Dextrous workspace
      • 6 DoF manipulator could have up to 16 possible solutions
    • Proved: all systems with revolute and prismatic joints having 6 DoF in a single series chain are solvable
      • But solution is in numerical
      • Closed-form solutions of 6 DoF is solvable in special cases
        • e.g. 3 neighboring joint axes intersect at a point
  • Method of solution
    • numerical solutions: iterative method, slow, not guaranteed to find all solutions
    • closed-form solutions
      • construct the desired $^B_W T$ matrix (subspace) according to the required position and orientation
      • construct equations between the constructed $^B_W T$ and kinematics matrix
      • replace sin cos with single variable $u$, to convert transcendental equations to polynomial equations
        • Proved. Polynomials up to degrees 4 could be solved in closed form
      • forms triangles
  • Special cases

    Pieper’s solution

    • Any 3 DoF manipulator’s closed-from solution can be solved
    • Compute a modified goal frame $^S_{G\prime} T$ such that $^S_{G\prime} T$ lies in manipulator’s subspace and is “near” to $^S_G T$
    • Compute inverse kinematics for $^S_{G\prime} T$

    Pieper’s solution to get closed-form solution

    • Solve for first 3 joints given the position of the origin of frame {4} {5} {6}
    • Solve for the later 3 joints given the orientation

Jocobians: velocities and static forces

Linear and angular velocities

  • Linear velocity vector for a point
    ^A(^B V_Q) = {^A_B R} {^B V_Q} = \frac{^A d}{dt} {^B Q} = {^A_B R} \lim_{\Delta t \rightarrow 0} \frac{^B Q(t+\Delta t) - {^B Q(t)}}{\Delta t}
    is the velocity of position vector Q whose differentiation is done in frame {B} and finally expressed in frame {A}.
  • Short write cases
    • $v_c = {^U V_{CORG}}$ is the velocity of origin of frame {C} differentiation in reference frame {U}
    • $^A v_c$ is the above velocity but expressed in frame {A}
  • Angular velocity vector for a body
    ^C ({^A \Omega_B})
    is the rotation of frame {B} relative to frame {A}, and finally expressed in frame {C}
    • The direction of vector is the rotation axis
    • The magnitude of vector is the current speed of rotation
  • Short write cases
    • $w_c = {^U \Omega_C}$ is the angular velocity of frame {C} relative to reference frame {U}
    • $^A w_c$ is the above angular velocity but expressed in frame {A}
  • Simultaneous linear and rotational velocity
    ^A V_Q = {^A V_{BORG}} + {^A_B R} {^B V_Q} + {^A\Omega_B} \times {^A_B R} {^B Q}

    • where frame {A} is the reference frame and fixed
    • frame {B} has both linear velocity $^A V_{BORG}$ and rotational velocity $^A \Omega_B$
    • point Q also has a linear velocity $^B V_Q$ in frame {B}
  • Velocity of link i is given by vector $v_i$ and $w_i$, which are gotten relative to frame {0} and can be expressed in any frame

  • velocity propagation: velocity of link i+1 is velocity of link i, plus new velocity components added by joint i+1

    ^{i+1} w_{i+1} &= {^{i+1}_i R} {^i w_i} + \dot{\theta}_{i+1} {^{i+1} \hat{Z}_{i+1}} \\
    ^{i+1} v_{i+1} &= {^{i+1}_i R} ({^i v_i} + {^i w_i} \times {^i P _{i+1}} )


    • $\dot{\theta}_{i+1} {^{i+1} \hat{Z}_{i+1}} = ^{i+1} \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ \dot{\theta}_{i+1} \end{bmatrix}$
    • $^i P_{i+1}$ is the coordinate of origin of frame {i+1} in frame {i}

    ^{i+1} w_{i+1} &= {^{i+1}_i R} {^i w_i} \\
    ^{i+1} v_{i+1} &= {^{i+1}_i R} ({^i v_i} + {^i w_i} \times {^i P _{i+1}} ) + \dot{d}_{i+1} {^{i+1} \hat{Z}_{i+1}}

    where $\dot{d}_{i+1} {^{i+1} \hat{Z}_{i+1}} = ^{i+1} \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ \dot{d}_{i+1} \end{bmatrix}$

  • Velocity transformation
    ^A v_A &= {^A_B T_v} {^B v_B} \\
    ^A v_A \\
    ^A w_A
    ^A_B R & {^A P_{BORG}} \times {^A_B R} \\
    0 & {^A_B R}
    ^B v_B \\
    ^B w_B


  • Equation
    ^0 v = {^0 J(\Theta)} \hat{\Theta}
    • $^0 v = \begin{bmatrix} {^0 v} \\ {^0 w} \end{bmatrix}$ is the Cartesian velocities of the link n expressed in frame {0}
    • $\hat{\Theta}$ is the vector of joint velocity
    • ${^0 J(\Theta)}$ is the Jocobian matrix, which represents the derivate of each term of Cartesian position and orientation on each term of joint angle. Its value changes as the joint angles change.
  • Changing frame
    {^A J(\Theta)} = \begin{bmatrix}
    {^A_B R} & 0 \\
    0 & {^A_B R}
    {^B J(\Theta)}
  • Inverse of the Jocobian could be used to calculate joint velocities given desired Cartesian velocities of link n
  • Singularities: where the joint angles make the ${^0 J(\Theta)}$ singular
    • Workspace-boundary singularities: manipulator fully stretched out or folded back
    • Workspace-interior singularities: caused by a lining up of 2 or more joint axes

Force and torque

  • Force propagation from link to link
    ^i f_i &= {^i_{i+1} R} {^{i+1}} f_{i+1} \\
    ^i n_i &= {^i_{i+1} R} {^{i+1}} n_{i+1} + {^i P_{i+1}} \times {^i f_i}
    • $f_i$ is force exerted on link i by link i-1
    • $n_i$ is torque exerted on link i by link i-1
  • Torque for joint
    • For revolute joint
      \tau_i = {^i n_i^T} {^i\hat{Z}_i}
    • For prismatic joint
      \tau_i = {^i f_i^T} {^i\hat{Z}_i}
  • Jocobian
    \tau = {^0 J^T} {^0 \mathcal{F}}
    where $\mathcal{F}$ is the Cartesian forces acting at the hand, and $\tau$ is the joint torques
  • Force transformation
    ^A \mathcal{F}_A &= {^A_B T_f} {^B \mathcal{F}_B} \\
    ^A F_A \\
    ^A N_A
    ^A_B R & 0 \\
    {^A P_{BORG}} \times {^A_B R} & {^A_B R}
    ^B F_B \\
    ^B N_B
    {^A_B T_f} = {^A_B T_v^T}

Trajectory generation

  • Motions is tool frame {T} relative to station frame {S}
  • To generate a trajectory of motions
    • Spatial constraints: Path points
      • a set of intermediate frames that the tool frame should reaches
      • including initial, target point, and via points
    • Temporal attributes: the time between points
  • In order to make the trajectory smooth, the function of the trajectory and its first derivate should be continuous
  • Convert path joints to joint angles by inverse kinematics
  • For each 2 path points, fit a function of the joint angles
  • Cubic polynomial
    • 4 entries since each 2 path points provides 4 constraints (2 position constraints, 2 velocities constraints)
    • $\theta(t) = a_0 + a_1 t + a_2 t^2 + a_3 t^3$
    • Constraints of each 2 point
      \theta(t_0) &= theta_0 \\
      \theta(t_1) &= theta_1 \\
      \dot{\theta}(t_0) &= v_0 \\
      \dot{\theta}(t_1) &= v_1
    • Higher-order polynomials
      • Quintic polynomial (5 degree, 6 entires), enabling specify position, velocity, and acceleration.
    • Linear function with parabolic blends


  • Rodd, Michael G. “Introduction to robotics: Mechanics and control: John J. Craig.” (1987): 263-264.