
VS Code is an amazing code editor, which contains various extensions and support multi-languages.

Basic Skills

  • Use Ctrl+Shift+P to open the VSCode command center to input command
  • Use command center and type Open settings(JSON) to edit the VS Code settings
  • Some useful keyboard shortcuts


In order to use VS Code for the C# programming, we need to install

  • .NET Core
  • C# Extension in VS Code

Then open a folder with VS Code, and use the terminal to type dotnet new console to establish a new console project.

Then the VS Code will automatically generate some files and new a Program.cs script.

Go to Dubug-Start without Debuging, VS Code will add the required assets to the project(or press ctrl+shift+p and type .net: Generate Assets for Build and Debug), and open a launch.json file for user to configure some settings of the C# project. Make sure the version of netcore is right. Then cick the Start without Debuging again, the program will run.


For Python, we need to install

  • Python interpreter
  • Python Extension in VS Code

Open a folder and add a python file. Then press ctrl+shift+p to open the command and type Python: select interpreter to choose the python interpreter. Then go to Debug-Start without Debuging to run the code.


In order to use Latex, we need to install

  • Tex Environment, like Tex Live
  • Latex Workshop Extension for VS Code