
This site has different types of tech blogs, including AR, CV, SLAM, Math, Coding and software developments. Each blog will be updated from time to time.

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Majority content of this post came from the book Basic Knowledge on Visual SLAM: From Theory to Practice.

SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) is the technique to establish the nearby environment and localize the moving object inside it at the same time according to sensor measurements. SLAM can be used in augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, and robot’s navigation. The mathematic theory of SLAM is the state estimation.

Visual SLAM is a kind of SLAM that depends on on visual sensors (cameras), which also involves photometric and geometric computer vision.

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The SLAM algorithm based on traditional computer vision geometry and state estimation has been mature. There are lots of open source SLAM architecture, and different commercial products have their own implementation. Every SLAM implementation has its pros and cons. This post is to provide the high level guidance for how to design a practical SLAM system for products.

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This post talks about the fundamental math for SLAM, including Homogeneous Coordinates, Transformation in 3D space, Probability, SVD, Least Square Optimization, Lie Group and Lie Algebra and etc.

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