.NET Keywords, Objects and Namespace

Keywords and features

Common Use

  • new
    • Create instance for value type and reference type
      • For int, is used to configure the value to 0
      • Will automatically call the constructor
    • In derived class, hide the inherited method from base class
    • Cannot be override
  • base
    • Access Keywords
    • Call the public or protected methods in base class.
    • If the base class has this method, call that method; If not, recursively call the base class of the base class
  • this
    • Access Keywords
    • Refer to current instance of object
  • using
    • Import namespace (library)
    • Rename the importing namespace
    • Force to release the non-managed resource (Generate a try-finally block, and put the Dispose method in finally block) for a single object
  • About Null
    • null: Means a reference type points to nothing
    • Nullable<T>
      • Is the same with T?
      • Allow value type to support the NullException
    • null object
      • Is a sub class of original class but defined the property IsNull
      • Can implement INullable interface
    • ??
      • (A ?? B): return the non-null object. Check A firstly
  • Data type convert
    • Must be static
    • Will be transferred to a method in IL
    • Explicit
      • Explicit convert a data type
      • public static explicit operator XX(para)
    • Implicit
      • Implicit convert a data type
      • public static implicit operator XX(para)
  • Precompile keywords
    • #if, #else, #elif, #endif
      • Use to determine whether compile a block of code
      • Use ConditionalAttribute could also achieve the conditional compile. Like [Conditional("Debug")]
    • #define, #undef
      • Work with other precompile keywords together, e.g. #define Debug for the conditional compile
    • #warning, #error
      • Add reminders which shows when compiling the code
    • #region, #endregion
    • #pragma

Less Use

  • checked, unchecked
    • Turn on/off the overflow check during the operation and type converting
  • yield
    • Can only appear in a enumerator block
    • yield return is used to return a value in the enumerator. The return type of the method belongs to System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<T>, System.Collections.IEnumerable or etc.
    • yield break is used to end the enumerating.
  • lock
    • Use lock(xx) to add a lock for the xx object, so that if other threads want to call this object, they need to wait current thread to finish the process on this object.
    • the object to lock should be a reference type, it’s better to be private
  • unsafe
    • To allow to use *, &, sizeof to avoid the CLR and operate the memory
  • sealed
    • For sealed class, it cannot be inherited by other class
    • For sealed method, it appear with override keyword together
  • Name: is the property of Type
    • Name: type name
    • Property Name: type name containing the namespace
    • AssemblyQualifiedName: type name containing the namespace and assembly


  • Once const or readonly values are assigned a value, the value couldn’t be changed.
  • const
    • Only support the value type and string, and not support new keyword
    • It should be assigned value when it declares.
    • It should be determined during the compile instead of in CLR (operating the memory).
    • When compile to IL code, it will turn to private static member. Can be get only through the class
  • readonly or static readonly
    • Support any type
    • It could be assigned value in the constructor or when it is declares. Constructor is prior to declares
    • It is compiled to private member and the value is determined in CLR. Can be get through the object

Class and Struct

  • Class
    • Reference type, instance is stored in the managed heap
    • Used to show actions
    • Contains field, property, method, constructor, indexer, operator
  • Struct
    • Value type, instance is stored in the stack
    • Used to store data
    • Contains field, property, method, constructor, indexer, operator
      • Not support constructor without parameters
      • All members should be public
      • Don’t required to use new to instantiate
    • Only support inherit from interface, can override virtual method

Attribute and Property

Actually they have no relationship to each other.


  • Is a class, inherit from System.Attribute
    • Support customized, can include new method
  • Initialize during the compile, Stored in metadata, provide support relevant info or show info for the targeted element in CLR
    • Targeted element include: assembly, module, type, property, event, field, method, param, return
    • Use [], support multi attribute
  • The info of attribute can be get through reflector
  • Used for compile command and some actions
  • Example
    • [AttributeUsage()]: Control how to apply customized attributes to targeted element
    • [Flags]: Regard the value of enum as bit flag rather than value
    • [DllImport()]: Call the un-managed code. e.g. Win32 API method
    • [Serializable]: Indicate the element could be serialized
    • [Conditional()]: Support the conditional compile


  • Encapsulation for private field in class

Interface and abstract class

See here for more info.

Class can implement interfaces and inherit another class.

Interface doesn’t inherit from System.Object. Methods in an interface are abstract methods, so interface cannot be instantiated but only be implemented by other classes. Classes implement one interface need to implement all the abstract methods or properties in the interface. It supports the polymorphisn.

For abstract class, it also contains the abstract methods and the abstract class cannot be instantiated but only be inherited. Classes which inherits a abstract class need to implement all the abstract methods. Apart from the abstract methods, the abstract class can also include some public and virtual methods which contains the body. So the subclass can use those methods directly. It supports the polymorphisn.

Some use cases are as follow.

Interface Abstract Class
Provide common method for unrelated classes Provide common elements for related classes
Defines the action Defines the properties, pre-defined methods, common fields
Usually not change after create Can be used in multi-version scenarios

is and as

Subclass converting to base class can be achieved implicitly, while base class converting to subclass needs to be achieved explicitly.

  • is: Is used to determine whether this type can be converted to another type. Return false is object is null.
  • as: Convert the type. Return null if object is null.

Override and Overload

override overload
For subclass to override the virtual/abstract method in base class In one class, contains several methods with the same name
method name and parameters and return type should be same methods with the same name but with different parameters list
Dynamic binding. Method calling is confirmed in CLR. CLR will check the proper method for a base class reference according to type of its instance Static binding. Method calling is confirmed in the compile
For override the generic method, the constrains of generic method in base class will be inherited. Generic method could also serve as the overload method

Deep copy and Shallow copy

Use = for value type is deep copy; Use = for reference type is mainly shallow copy. (String is deep copy)

Inherit interface ICloneable to customize the Object Clone() method. e.g. return a new object

Static and non-static

Use static field to define a Singleton class.

Static Non-static
Class Only contains static field and static method
Cannot be instantiated
Can contains static method and non-static method
Can be instantiated
Method Can only use static field and static method Can use any field and method


Dynamic is the keyword and a class. It can be used for field, property, method, indexer, parameters, return value, local variable. The specific type of the element declared dynamic will be determined during the CLR/DLR.

var dynamic System.object
type will be determined during compile type will be determined in CLR/DLR a instance type
only ca be used for local variable can be used for everything can be used for everything

Dynamic solve the dynamic bind for objects. It combines C# with other dynamic language like IronPython, IronRuby.

ScriptRuntime py = Python.CreateRuntime();
dynamic mypy = py.UseFile("XX.py");

Dynamic can also dynamically add a filed or property to a class.

Special Object Types and Methods


Object is the top base class for any other classes in .NET C#. The base methods of System.Object contains:

  • GetType
    • the type could use GetMembers and GetMethods to get the instance of this type
  • ToString: get the full name of the type
    • Can be override by subclass
  • Equals, ReferenceEquals, ==: check whether equals
  • MemberwiseClone: Shadow copy
  • GetHashCode
  • Finalize


  • public virtual bool Equals(object obj)
    • Default it checks whether points to the same instance
    • Will be override by subclass
      • Check null
      • Check ReferenceEquals
      • Check whether the same type
      • Customized compare 2 fields
    • Need to override the GetHashCode the same time
      • A equals B => A.HashCode = B.HashCode
  • public static bool Equals(object objA, object objB)
    • Check whether 2 objs are points to same instance
    • Check whether 2 objs are both null
    • Use objA’s virtual equals method
  • public static bool ReferenceEquals(object objA, object objB): compare whether 2 objects are points to the same instance
    • Can only compare two reference type
    • When compare two value type, will lead to the boxing, then the result is False
  • ==
    • For value type, it compare whether the two values are the same
    • For reference type, it compare whether the two objects point to the same instance

Note: String is a very special type.


There are two kinds of constructors. Their IL forms are as follow.

  • .ctor: object constructor
    • Called when new an object
  • .cctor: type constructor (static constructor)
    • Called when need to assign value to static members
    • Customized code in static constructor will be called after assigning values to static members.
    • Accurate time to call
      • precise
        • If the static constructor is implemented
        • The constructor needs to be executed before the first time use the type
      • beforefieldinit
        • If the static constructor is not implemented
        • The constructor can be executed any time

.NET also provide a flexible constructor to allow to set the properties in the constructors.

User user = new User {Name = "aa", Age = "bb"};


String is a sealed class. It is a reference type but shows value type features when using.

Immutability. Once a string is created in the memory, it cannot change. Any actions including Insert, Substring, ToUpper will create a new string.

String interning. When the CLR loads, it will create a resident pool. This pool won’t be controlled by GC or Every unique string value in code will store in this resident pool. CLR will also create a hash map, the key is the string stored in resident pool and the value is the address. When creating a string value by assigning a unique value, it will store that value in resident pool and assign the address to this string. When assigning a value appeared before, CLR will assign the address checking from hash map to this string.

Note. If a string is assigned dynamically e.g. assigned by other string, the result value of this string won’t be stored in the resident pool. Use System.Intern(xx) can add it to resident pool.

For convert. Some value types already override the ToString method for converting itself to a string. To convert a string to other value types. e.g. Double.Parse(str), Double.TryParse(str, out num), num = Convert.ToDouble(str)

StringBuilder can help to append several strings and convert to a string together.


System.Enum inherits from System.ValueType. Default, the first element equals to int 0. The value of the element can also equals to bit number 0x00 if the attribute [Flags] is added to the enum. At this time, a enum variable supports the | operation.

Common methods contain

  • GetNames(typeof(X)): Get all names of the enum
  • GetValues(typeof(X)): Get all value of the enum
  • IsDefined(typeof(), XX): Check whether the name of value in the enum


Collection is a container to control a bunch of objects. The collection can be treated as a whole object and every object can also be get separately.

Collection is a class in .NET. The common methods for most collections types include:

Method Function
Add add new item
Insert insert new item in a specific index
Remove remove a particular item
Clear remove all items
IndexOf/LastIndexOf find the index of a particular item
Sort sort items
GetEnumerator return value when iterated calling
Count the count of all items
Item get a specific item

For a collection, it should implement the IEnumerator interface, which support MoveNext and Reset methods, and Current property. Then in C#, users can use foreach to get the value from the enumerator.

For a collection, it should implement the Synchronized method, which support for the safe action on the object in the multi-thread code.

The category of collections include:

  • Ordered Collection: only implement ICollection
    • Stack
      • Stack<T>
    • Queue
      • Queue<T>
  • Index Collection: implement IList
    • Array
      • Fixed length
      • Only support the same type
      • Several dimension
      • Cannot insert or remove values
    • ArrayList
      • Dynamic length
      • Support different type
      • 1 dimension
      • Can insert or remove values
      • List<T>
  • Key Collection: implement IDictionary
    • Hashtable
      • The key-value pairs have no order
      • Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
    • SortedDictionary
      • The key-value pairs have order.
    • SortedList
      • Support both index and key-value pair
      • SortedList<T>

For customized collection, users can inherit the CollectionBase abstract class or implement interfaces like ICollection, IList.

Delegate, Anonymous Method, Lambda Expression

Delegate is a class which implements a safe type callback method. Delegate is like the method pointer in C++. It defines the return type and parameters list. A delegate type needs to be instantiated and then added other methods. By calling this delegate directly or use its Invoke method, it could callback other methods added to this delegate.

For multi-methods added to the delegate, it is called multicast. Methods could use += or -= to bind or unbind to the delegate. The order of callback those methods is the same with the order to bind to the delegate.

There is some pre-defined delegate in C#, which include

  • EventHandler: void EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs.Empty)
  • Func<T, TResult>: TResult Func(T t)

Event model is also based on delegate. It is a encapsulation for delegate. See here for more examples about delegate and event.

Anonymous method is a method without name but have the expression body.

Delegate keyword can be used to declare an anonymous method. The anonymous method can be assigned to a delegate variable.

delegate void MyDelegateType(int x, int y);
MyDelegateType myDelegateInstance = delegate(int x, int y)
Console.WriteLine(x - y);
myDelegateInstance += delegate(int x, int y)
Console.WriteLine(x + y);
Console.WriteLine(x * y);

Func<float, float> myFunc = delegate(int x)
return x + 10;

// Do some tasks

Lambda Expression can also be used to declare an anonymous method. The form is Argument => expression or (Arguments) => {expression}. Compared with using delegate to declare anonymous method, it don’t required to declare the type of the arguments because the compiler will set the type automatically.

MyDelegateType myDelegateInstance = 

delegate void MyDelegateType(int x, int y);
MyDelegateType myDelegateInstance = (x, y) => Console.WriteLine(x - y);
myDelegateInstance += (x, y) =>
Console.WriteLine(x + y);
Console.WriteLine(x * y);

Func<float, float> myFunc = x => x + 10;

Thread.Start(() =>
// Do some tasks


public class test<T> {}
public class MyDict<TKey, TValue> {}
  • Advantages
    • Flexible for any data types
    • Handle one kind of data type at one time, avoid problem in type converting
    • Avoid boxing and unboxing process
  • The class cannot be instantiated if the type T isn’t assigned a specific type
  • In CLR
    • The instance of generic happens in the JIT compile
    • When T is value type, JIT will generate different naive code by replace the T with different value types
    • When T is reference type, there will only be one copy of naive code
  • Some basic generic type in FCL
    • in System.Collections.Generic
    • List<T>
    • SortedList<TKey, TValue>
    • Queue<T>
    • Stack<T>
    • Collection<T>
    • Dictionary<TKey, TValue>


When instantiate a parameterized type field, the default keyword can be used, which will return 0 for value type and null for reference type.

public class test<T>
T data = default(T);


The generic can use where keyword to add constraints for the parameterized type.

public class test<T> where T: constraint1, constraint2, ...
Constraint Function
T: struct The type T must be value type
T: class The type T must be reference type
T: class name The type T must be the named class or its derived class
T: interface The type T must contains or implement those interfaces. The interfaces could also be generic interfaces
T: new() The type T must contain a constructor without parameters

Generic Method, interface and delegate

Generic method can exist in a generic class or a non-generic class.

class MyClass{
public void ShowInfo<T>(T t) {}

// Call above method
MyClass a = new MyClass();

Interface can also have generic features. Some generic collections class implements those generic interfaces. e.g. IList<T>, IComparable<T>

class MyArray<T>: IComparable<T> {}

class MyArray<T>: IComparable<int>, IComparable<String> {}

Delegate can also have generic features. e.g. delegate string MyMethod<T>(T t).

Generic delegate can also use for event. Like EventHandler<TEventArgs>. It is defined as delegate void EventHandler<TEventArgs>(object sender, TEventArgs e)

using System;

class MyEventArgs: EventArgs
public int Num {get; set;}
public bool flag {get; set;}

class MyClass {
public event EventHandler<bool> Event1;
public event EventHandler<MyEventArgs> Event2;

MyClass a = new MyClass();
a.Event1 += (sender, e) => // Do some action ;
a.Event2 += delegate(object sender, MyEventArgs e)
// Do some action

Using tricks

  • Use generic collections to improve efficiency
  • Set constraints for generic
  • Use EventHandler<TEventArgs> for event definition
  • Use Nullable<T> for handling null condition
  • Implement IEnumerable<T> for achieving enumerator
  • Consider using generic when using System.Object or System.Type
  • NOT use generic in Web service


  • try
    • Must use with catch or finally
  • catch
    • Can have several catch blocks
    • Catch content category
      • System.Exception
        • DivideByZeroException
        • StackOverflowException
        • FileNotFoundException
    • Each catch block contains codes to recover from the exception
    • Can use throw to throw the exception
  • finally
    • Execute in the end no matter whether exception happens

System.Exception is a class, which contains

  • Message: string message
  • InnerException: the collections who through the exception
  • StackTrack: the stack of calling the method, where the exception begins


Safety models structure of .NET

  • Role-Based Security
    • Role-based security is based on the Principle data. Principal is created by Identity.
    • Principle
      • Implement IPrincipal
      • Contains IsInRole and Identity
      • Instance class includes GenericPrincipal for generic users and WindowsPrincipal for Windows users.
    • Identity
      • Implement IIdentity
      • Contains AuthenticationType, IsAuthenticated, and Name
      • Instance class includes GenericIdentity, WindowsIdentity, FormsIdentity for ASP.NET application and PassportIdentity which requires Passport SDK.
    • Use PrincipalPermissionAttribute or PrincipalPermission class to declarative or explicitly check the access
  • Code-Access Security
    • CLR will check the evidence of the application, then determine the permissions of the code according to the security policy. The group of evidence and its permissions forms the code group.
    • Evidence
      • Code’s publisher
      • StrongName
      • Site
      • Application Directory
    • Permissions of code
      • FileIOPermission
      • EnvironmentPermission
      • EventLogPermission
    • Security Policy
      • Enterprise
      • Machine
      • User
      • AppDomain
    • Use Demand, LinkDeman, Assert to declarative or explicitly check the access
  • Windows-User Security


FCL Structure

.NET Framework includes CLR (Memory Management, Thread Management and Remote Process) and FCL, which is a object-oriented collection of reusable types. FCL needs to provide API for program and it provides a tree type structure. FCL assemblies is stored as .dll files in disks.

The node of the FCL structure is called namespace, which contains class, struct, enum, delegate, interface. The namespace is only the logic structure of the FCL structure rather than the physical structure of the assembly. The same namespace could stored in different assemblies. Common namespace are as follows.

System Namespace

System namespace contains many basic data type. It includes

  • Object
  • ValueType
    • Int16, Int32, Char, Boolean, Double
  • String
  • Array
  • Delegate
  • Attribute
  • Type
  • Nullable

It also includes many basic services

  • Exception
  • GC
  • AppDomain: provide a virtual boundary for a program
  • Console: control the standard I/O stream
  • Environment: get current OS, machine, folder info
  • Convert: data type convert
  • Math
  • Random
  • TimeZone


It contains handle for the file, folder and memory stream.

  • File, FileInfo: create, open, copy, move, delete action for files
  • Dictionary, DictionaryInfo: create, open, copy, move, delete action for folders
  • Path: provide method to handle the string of the folder path
  • Stream: base class of all the stream class
    • Read, Write, Seek, Flush, Close
    • FileStream: specific for file
    • StreamReader, StreamWriter: read and write string to file
    • StringReader, StringWriter: read and write string to memory

System.Runtime.Serialization, System.Xml.Serialization

It is related to the serialization (convert object to a saveable or transmittable format) and deserialization (recover the object from physical material or stream).

  • System.Runtime.Serialization
    • Deep Serialization: serialize all properties and filed
    • BinaryFormatter
    • SoapFormatter
  • System.Xml.Serialization
    • Shadow Serialization: serialize public properties and filed
    • XmlSerializer


Handle the system process, event log and help to debug.

  • Process: control the start and stop of outside program
  • Debug, Trace: trace the running status of program


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